Satya Mandal

Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas

Office: 502 Snow Hall
Phone: DNC


  1. Lecture Notes

  2. Homework:
    The HW Exercises,
    The Due Dates: See CANVAS,

    You upload HWs from Canvas

    Some HW Solutuions:
    Look at them only when you are stuck!

  3. Exams:

  4. Satya's Home Page
  5. Mandated Information Sharing:
    1. Course Description: Systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, and applications. Not open to those who have taken MATH 590. Prerequisite: MATH 126 or MATH 146 with grade of C- or higher.
    2. University Academic Support Centers
    3. Academic Misconduct
    4. Change of Grade;
    5. Commercial Note-Taking :
    6. Diversity and Inclusion: : Mandatory Reporting (Title IX/Civil Rights) :
    7. Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action :
    8. Sexual Harassment :
    9. Student Rights and Responsibilities :
    10. Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy :

Math 290: Elementary Linear Algebra

Fall 2024

Elem. Linear Algebra

Satya Mandal

Math 290
Room: MAL 1003

Class No.: 17447

Class Time: 1:00-1:50 (TR)

Class No.: 17448

Class Time: 2:30-3:20 (TR)

Credit: 2 Hour

Attendance: Required

Office Hr: 3:30-5:30 (Thur)

In this course we do elementary linear algebra.

Zoom Office Hours

Zoom Hr: By Appointment
Info: See CANVAS

Textbook materials:

We will use a combination of the following:
  1. We wll mainly use my Lecture Notes (Links on the left)
  2. HW Exercises are given in a seperate pdf (Links on the left)
  3. Solutions for some of the HW problems is given in another pdf (Links on the left)
  4. Material to Cover

    1. Chapter 1 : System of linear equations
    2. Chapter 2 : Matrices
    3. Chapter 3 : Determinants
    4. Chapter 4 : Vector spaces
    5. Chapter 5 : Eigen-values and eigen-vectors
    6. Chapter 6 : Inner product spaces
    7. Chapter 7 : Linear transformations

General Organization and Navigation:

  1. Course Delivery: This is an in-person class. Attendance is highly beneficial and encouraged.
  2. Comments on Teaching: I have been a proponent of Online Teaching methods, particualrly at this level. I provide a good amount of online materials for my couses. For most courses (including this one), I do not use any textbook. Whenever I think of something worth mentioning in class, I add that to my lecture notes. .

    However, this has the unitended consequence that some stop coming to the classes. I beleive I always say new things in class and provide impromptu and futuristic insights. Not everything I say is in the notes.

    Further, if you do not come to the classes, you may lose interest,
    and you lose touch with the class.

  3. You woud do the following
    1. Attend classes regularly.
    2. Read the Lecture notes.
      Sometimes, I may provide additional guidence on certain sections.
      We will cover 2 sectons each week, on an average.
    3. We use CANVAS for communications.
    4. Upload Homework, via canvas,
      by the due date for HW: Follow CANVAS
    5. Solutions to some HW are available, on left side link.
  4. Navigation: All the links you need to navigate are on the left side.
  5. Exams: You will take four exams.
  6. Calculator: An advanced calculator (TI-84) will be of great help.

Grading Scheme:

Homework 50
  1. Total HW points will be prorated to 50 points.
  2. Feeling comfortable with homework would be the key.
4 Exams 300
Total Points 350

Schedule of Examinations:

Exam 1 Oct 03 (R) , 75 (plus minus) (Chapter 2)
Exam 2 Oct 17 (R) 75 points (plus minus) (Chapter 3)
Exam 3 Nov 21 (R) 75 points (plus minus) Ch 4, 5 (tentative)
Exam 4 Dec 16 (R) 75 points (plus minus) Ch 6, 7 (tentative)

Grading Scale:

Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
Percent 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 else
Grades will be calcualted in two ways:
  1. Including Homework, out of total of 350 points
  2. Without Homework, out of total of 300 points
  3. You will be given the lower of the two. For example,
    to get an A, you would need to get A in both ways.

Important Dates:

  1. Mon, Aug 26: First day of classes
  2. Monday, Sept 16: Last day to withdraw/drop without a "W"
  3. Oct 14 (M), 15 (T): Fall Break
  4. Nov 20 (W): Second Period Drop Ends
  5. Nov 27 (W) - Dec 1 1 (S): iThanksgiving Break
  6. Dec 12: Last day of classes
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