Math 105, Topics in Mathematics

Lesson 4: Probability

Introduction Go to top of page

In everyday English the use of the word "probability" is not uncommon. The "probability of occurrence of an event" to a statistician is what "quantified chance of occurrence of that event" is to an ordinary person.

Most people have some intuitive idea about probability:

  1. We say that the probability that the face Head will show up in a coin toss is 1/2. In other words, if we toss a coin many times, in approximately half of the times the face Head will show up.
  2. We say that, when we roll a die, probability that the face 5 will show up is 1/6. In other words, if we roll the die many times, the face 5 will show up approximately one in six times.
  3. We have also heard of loaded dice. For a loaded die, the probability of a certain face to roll over is higher than that of some other face.

Let us look at the coin-toss experiment.

4.1 Random Experiments and Sample SpacesGo to top of page

Tossing a coin or rolling a die are examples of random experiments. Whenever we talk about probability there is a random experiment behind it. We talk about probability in the context of such an experiment. Let us define it more formally.

  1. Definition: A random experiment is a procedure that produces exactly one outcome out of many possible outcomes. All the possible outcomes are known. But which outcome will result when you perform the experiment is not known. (A random experiment is also called a statistical experiment.)
  2. Definition: We use the word "set" to mean a collection of objects.
  3. Definition: Given a random experiment, the set of all possible outcomes is called the sample space. In this class, a sample space is always denoted by "S."

Example 4.1.1. The following are examples of some experiments and their sample spaces.

  1. Suppose your experiment is tossing a coin. Then the outcomes are H and T. So the sample space is S={H, T}. (Remark: We will use this brace notation to list the members of the sample space (or a set). Please try to get used to it.)

  2. Suppose your experiment is tossing a coin twice. Then the outcomes are HH, HT, TH, TT. So, the sample space is S={HH, HT, TH, TT}.

  3. Suppose your experiment is rolling a die. Then the outcomes are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So, the sample space is S={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

  4. Suppose that your experiment is rolling a die twice. Then the possible outcomes are (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (1,6), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3) and so on. The sample space is
        | (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6) |
        | (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,6) |
    S = | (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6) |
    | (4,1) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4) (4,5) (4,6) |
        | (5,1) (5,2) (5,3) (5,4) (5,5) (5,6) |
        | (6,1) (6,2) (6,3) (6,4) (6,5) (6,6) |
  5. Suppose your experiment is to record the number of daily road accidents in Lawrence. Then the possible outcomes are 0, 1, 2, 3, … and so on. The sample space is S={0, 1, 2, 3, …}.

  6. Suppose the experiment is to determine the gender of an unborn child (by ultrasonic). Then the possible outcomes are Male and Female. The sample space is S={Male, Female}.

  7. Suppose your experiment is to determine the blood group of a patient, in a lab. The possible outcomes are S={O, A, B, AB}.

  8. Suppose your experiment is to estimate the total wheat production (in tons) in Kansas. Then the possible outcomes are all the positive numbers. S={any positive number} = {x: x is a positive number}.

  9. Suppose your experiment is to give an estimate of the annual rainfall (in inches) in Lawrence. Then the possible outcomes are all the positive numbers. S={any positive numbers} = {x: x is a positive number}.


We are getting ready to talk about probability. Given a sample space, we plan to talk about probability of an outcome. We may also talk about the probability of EVENTS.

What is an EVENT for us? We have the following definitions:

  1. Definition: Given a sample space, an event is a collection of outcomes. An event is a subcollection (or subset) from the sample space.

  2. Definition: When we perform a random experiment exactly one outcome results. If E is an event, then we say that E occurred if the outcome is a member of E.

  3. Definitions: There are two special events.
    1. First, there is an event (denoted by ø, called impossible event. The impossible event has no outcome in it. That means it is "empty." The impossible event never occurs.
    2. The whole sample space S is also an event to be called certain event. The certain event occurs whenever you perform the experiment.
Examples 4.1.2. The following are some examples of events with reference to the examples 4.1.1 of sample spaces above.
  1. Look at the example of tossing a coin (1). Then {H} is an event, and so is {T}.
  2. Refer to the example of tossing a coin twice (2). Let E be the event that there was at least one T, and let F be the event that both the tosses produced the same face. Then E={HT, TH, TT} and F = {HH, TT}.
  3. Refer to the example of rolling a die (3). Let E={1,2,3}. Then E is an event. E can be described as the event that the "face value" was less or equal to 3.
  4. Refer to the example of rolling a die twice (4). Let E be the event that the first die showed the face 5. Then E={(5,1), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4), (5,5), (5,6)}. Let T be the event that the sum of the two "face values" is 5. Then T={(1,4), (2,3), (3,2), (4,1)}.
  5. Refer to the example on road accidents (5). Let E be the event that there was no accident in Lawrence on a day. Then E={0}.
  6. Refer to the example on annual rainfall in Lawrence. I define a year as a "dry year" if the annual rainfall is less than 5 inches. Let E be the event that a given year will be a dry year. Then E is the set of all positive numbers from 0 to 5.

For now, we will deal with sample spaces that have only a finite number of outcomes. We are still getting ready to talk about probability. In certain cases, computing probability of an event involves counting the number of outcomes in the event and the sample space. We need to learn a little bit about counting techniques.

4.3. Probability Go to top of page

Now we are ready to talk about probability of an outcome or an event. If we toss a coin, then one believes that the probability that the face Head will show up is 1/2. But this is about a "normal" coin. What if we toss a loaded coin? If you have a loaded coin, you may know that the probability that the face Head will show up is 1/5. But what does this mean? How and where did you learn that, for your loaded die, the probability that the face Head will show up is 1/5? When an ordinary person makes such probability statements he/she is, in fact, talking about his/her experience. Regarding your loaded coin, you have tossed your coin many times and have experienced that about once in five tosses the face Head showed up and other times the face Tail showed up. Therefore, "you know" that the probability that the face Head will show up is 1/5.

Similarly, you rolled a die many times. You have experienced that about once in six throws the face 4 shows up. Therefore, "you know" that the probability that the face 4 will show up when you throw the die is 1/6. It is a different story if you are working with a loaded die because your experience would tell you something different.

That was the "real life" idea of probability. In the study of the mathematics of probability, we accept this "experience" as part of the "probability model" and do the mathematics.

The mathematics of probability includes the following:

  1. A description of the sample space S (and/or the random experiment).
  2. A method or formula to compute the probability of an event. Given an event E, the method or the formula gives us the system of computing the probability P(E) of E. The probabilities P(E) must satisfy certain laws of probability.
  3. A probability space is a sample space S with probability assignment as in (2). To describe a probability space, we have to give (1) and (2).
  4. Laws of Probability: Let
    S = {o1, o2, ..., oN}

    be a (finite) sample space. (Here o1, o2, ..., oN are the outcomes of the experiments.) Following are the elements of probability spaces:
  5. For each outcome oi, a method or a formula is given so that we can compute the number P(oi), to be called the probability that the outcome was oi. The probabilities P(oi) must satisfy the following two properties:
    1. P(oi) is a number between 0 and 1;
    2. P(o1)+ P(o2)+ ... + P(oN),=1.
      The sum of probabilities of all the outcomes is 1.

  6. Given an event E, the probability P(E) of E is defined as the sum of probabilities of all the outcomes in E.

    P(E) = the sum of probabilities of all the outcomes in E.

  7. The probability of the impossible event is zero, and the probability of the certain event is one.
    P(impossible event) = 0 P(certain event) = P(S) = 1.

4.3. Problems on Probability

Exercise 4.3.l. The following table gives the blood group distribution of a certain population.

Blood Group Distribution
source: BodyWatch
Blood Group O A B AB
Percentage of
47 42 8 3

Suppose you determine the blood group of a randomly selected person from this population.
  1. What is the sample space?
  2. What are the possible outcomes of the experiment and their probabilities?
  3. Write down the event that the selected person has blood group A or B or AB in brace notation.
  4. Find the probability that a random sample of blood is of blood group A or B or AB.

Exercise 4.3.2. A student wants to pick a school based on the past grade distribution of the school. Following is a grade distribution of last year in a school:

Grade Distribution
Unreal Data
Grades A B C D F
Percentage of
19 33 31 14 3

Suppose you note down the grade of a randomly selected student from this school.
  1. What is the sample space?
  2. What are the possible outcomes of the experiment and their probabilities?
  3. Write down the event that the selected student's grade is at least a B.
  4. Find the probability that a randomly picked student has at least a B average.

Exercise 4.3.3. The following table gives the probability distribution of a loaded die.

Probability Distribution of a Die
Face 1 2 3 4 5 6
Probability 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.35

  1. What is the sample space?
  2. Write down the event that the die shows 2 or 3 or 6, in brace notation.
  3. Find the probability that the face 2 or 3 or 6 shows up when you roll the die.

4.2 The Multiplication Rule of CountingGo to top of page

A some probability problems involve counting. So, we will spend some time of different methods of counting.

The multiplication rule states that when something takes place in several stages, to find the total number of ways it can occur we multiply the number of ways each individual stage can occur.

It goes as follows: Suppose a certain job (often a selection of an item) is accomplished in r stages.

  • The first stage of the job can be accomplished in n1 ways.
  • The second stage of the job can be accomplished in n2 ways.
  • The third stage of the job can be accomplished in n3 ways.
    ... ... ...
  • The final r-th stage of the job can be accomplished in nr ways.

Then the number of ways the original job can be accomplished is

n1 n2 n3 ... nr ways.

Example 4.2.1. A household would like to install a storm door. The local store offers two brand names; each brand has four different styles and three colors. Find how many choices he has in the selection. Solution

The job of picking the door is done in three stages. The first stage is to pick the brand, which we can do in two ways. The second stage is to pick the style, which we can do in four ways. Then, the third stage is to pick the color, which we can do in three ways.

Stage The job Number of ways
1 Pick the brand 2
2 Pick the style 4
3 Pick the color 3

The whole job of picking the doorr can be done in 2x4x3=24 ways.

Example 4.2.2. Refer to the example (1.4) of rolling a die twice. We want to count the number of outcomes in the sample space S. The whole experiment could be accomplished in two stages. First, the die is rolled, and the number of outcomes for this first stage is six. The second stage is to roll the die again; the second stage also has six outcomes.

Stage The job Number of ways
1 Roll the die 6
2 Roll the die again 6

The total number of outcomes in S, by the multiplication principle, is 6x6= 36.

Example 4.2.3. I want to assign the 10 seats on the first row to the 163 students in the class. How many ways we can do it?

Stage The job Number of ways
1 Assign the first seat 163
2 Assign the 2nd seat 162
3 Assign the 3rd seat 161
4 Assign the 4th seat 160
5 Assign the 5th seat 159
6 Assign the 6th seat 158
7 Assign the 7th seat 157
8 Assign the 8th seat 156
9 Assign the 9th seat 155
10 Assign the 10th seat 154

So the total number of ways this can be done is =

163 x 162 x 161 x 160 x 159 x 158 x 157 x 156 x 155 x 154

Remark. The multiplication rule of counting has wide applications. You must correctly identify whether your counting problem can be divided into several stages of simple counting problems. Confusion may arise as follows.

Example 4.2.4. Suppose that we want to form a committee of 10 students out of the 163 students in this class. We have just assigned the 10 seats in the first row to the 163 students, which can be done in 163x 162 x . . . x 154 way. Could we say that the number of ways we can form a committee of 10 out of the 163 students in this class is the same? The answer is NO. While we assigned the seats, the different assignments of the seats, in the first row, to the same group of 10 students is considered as distinct. While forming a committee, the group of 10 as a whole is counted as one committee. Without going into details, the number of ways such a committee can be formed is

(163 x 162 x ... x 154) / (1 x 2 x ... x 10).

Ordered and unordered selection

Many counting problems that we consider essentially are like selecting r objects (or people) from a collection of n objects (or people). There are two types of such selections. In example (4.2.3), the assignment of the 10 seats is selection of 10 students where the order in which we selected 10 students did matter. However, in example (4.2.4) order in which we pick 10 to represent in the committee did not count. The selection in (4.2.3) is an ordered-selection of r "objects" from a group n "objects." But the selection in (4.2.4) is an unordered-selection of r "objects" from a group of n "objects."

We have the following definitions, formulas, and notations in this context:

  1. Definition 1. A selection of r objects from a collection of n objects where different order of selection counts as distinct is called an ordered-selection. An ordered selection is also called a permutation. An ordered-selection of r objects from a group of n objects is called a permutation of n objects taken r at a time. An assignment of the 10 seats in the first row to 163 students is a permutation of 163 students taken 10 at a time.
  2. Definition 2. A selection of r objects from a collection of n objects where different order of selection does not count as distinct is called an unordered-selection. An unordered-selection is also called a combination. An unordered-selection of r objects from a group of n objects is called a combination of n objects taken r at a time. A particular committee of 10 formed out of 163 students is a combination of 163 students taken 10 at a time.
  3. Notation: Suppose n is a positive integer. The product of all integers from one through n is called "factorial n" and is denoted by n!.

    n! = 1 x 2 x ... x (n-1) x n
    Also 0! = 1

  4. The number of (possible) permutations of n objects taken r at a time is denoted by nPr.

    nPr= n!/(n-r)!   =   n x (n-1) x ... x (n-r+1)

  5. The number of (possible) combinations of n objects taken r at a time is denoted by nCr.

    nCr = nPr/r!   = n!/(r!(n-r)!)   =(n x (n-1) x ... x (n-r+1))/(1 x 2 x ... x r)

Problems on 4.2 The Multiplication Rule of Counting

Before you attempt any problem, review the diagram.

Exercise 4.2.1.

  1. Compute 3!, 6!, 8!.
  2. Compute 5P2, 7P4, 6P2, 4P3.
  3. Compute 5C2, 7C4, 6C2, 4C3.

Exercise 4.2.2.

Let me compute 8P5 :

  1. First method : 8P5 = 8 x … x(8-5+1) = 8 x … x 4 = 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 = 6720.

  2. Second Method: 8P5 = 8!/(8-5)! = 8!/3! = (1 x 2 x … x 8)/(1 x 2 x 3) = 40320/6 = 6720

Exercise 4.2.3.

Let me also compute 9C4. I like to compute as follows: 9C4 = 9P4 /4!.
We have 9P4 = 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 = 3024
4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24.
So, 9C4 = 9P4 /4! = 3024/24 = 126.

Exercise 4.2.4.

How many ways can you deal a hand of 13 cards out of a deck of 52 cards?

Answer = 52C13= 52!/(13! x 39!).

Exercise 4.2.5.

Four financial awards (of different values) will be given to the "best" four students in a class of 163. How many possible ways can these awardees be picked?

Here, the order counts. The answer is 163P4.

Exercise 4.2.5. How many code words of length four you can construct out of the English alphabets? This problem is not like selecting 4 from 26 letters because we can use the same letter more than once. Use the multiplication rule.

Stage The job Number of ways
1 Pick the 1st letter 26
2 Pick the 2nd letter 26
3 Pick the 3rd letter 26
4 Pick the 4th letter 26

The total number of such words = 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 =264.

4.4 Probability Spaces with Equally Likely Outcomes Go to top of page

Unlike the above problems, in some probability spaces every outcome has an equal probability. (Such is the case when you toss a "normal" coin or roll a "normal" die.) In such cases, we say that outcomes are equally likely.

When outcomes are equally likely, the probability P(E) can be computed by counting the number of outcomes in E and those of S. If S has N outcomes then we have:

  1. P(individual outcome) = P(oi) = 1/N

  2. For an event E
    P(E) = (# of outcomes in E)/(# of outcomes in S)  = (# of outcomes in E)/N

  3. If n(E) = number of outcomes on E, then
    P(E) = n(E)/n(S)  = n(E)/N

Remark: Outcomes are equally likely in "normal" situations. Examples are

  1. tossing an unbiased coin,
  2. throwing a fair dice,
  3. picking a card from a shuffled deck of cards and so on.

Example 4.4.1. Suppose we roll a (fair) die three times.

  1. Describe the sample space.
  2. Count the number of outcomes in the sample space S.
  3. What is the probability that the sum of the points on the three faces is 7?
  4. What is the probability that the sum of the points on the faces is not equal to 7?
The Solution
  1. Answer to 1 is
    S={(1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,1,3), (1,1,4), (1,1,5), (1,2,6), (1,2,1), (1,2,2), (1,2,3) ….}.

    Another way to write the same is S={ (i, j, k): i, j, k=1, 2, 3, 4,5,6 }.
  2. Find the total number of outcomes N in S.
    The job of rolling a die three times can be done in three stages:

    Stage The job Number of way
    1 Throw the die 6
    2 Throw the die 2nd time 6
    3 Throw the die 3rd time 6

    So, the total number of outcomes, by multiplication principle,
    in S is = n(S) = N= 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.

  3. Let E be the event that the sum is 7.
    E = {(1,1,5), (1,2,4), (1,3,3), (1,4,2), (1,5,1),
    (2,1,4), (2,2,3), (2,3,2), (2,4,1),
    (3,1,3), (3,2,2), (3,3,1),
    (4,1,2), (4,2,1),
    So E has n(E) = 15 outcomes. Therefore,
    the probability P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 15/216.

  4. Let F be the event that the sum is not equal to 7. So, the n(F) = # of outcomes in F = (# of outcomes in S) -( # of outcomes in E) = 216 - 15 = 201.
    P(F) = n(F)/n(S) =201/216.

Example 4.4.2. Suppose we have to form a committee of two from a group of 15 men and 19 women.

  1. Describe the sample space and count the number of outcomes in S.
  2. What is the probability that both the members of the committee are men?
  3. What is the probability that both the members are women?
  4. What is the probability that one member is man and the other member is woman?
Hint: This is a problem of unordered-selection.
The Solution
  1. S is the set of all possible pairs selected from this group of 15+19 = 34 people.
    The number of outcomes in S is
    n(S) = N =34C2= 34P2/2! =(34 x 33)/1x2 = 561.
  2. Let E be the event that both the members of the committee are men. The number of outcomes in E = n(E) = number of ways we can select two from a group of 15 men = 15C2= 15P2/2! = (15x14)/2 = 105. Therefore

    P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 105/561.

  3. Let F be the event that both members of the committee are women.

    The number of outcomes in F = n(F) = number of ways we can select two from a group of 19 women = 19C2= 19P2/2! = (19x18)/2 = 171. Therefore

    P(F) = n(F)/(S) =171/561.

  4. Let M be the event that one member is a man and the other is a woman. The job of picking such a committee can be done in two stages:

    Stage The job Number of ways
    1 Pick a male member 15
    1 Pick a female member 19

    The number of outcomes in M = n(M) = 15x19 = 285.

    P(M) = n(M)/n(S) = 285/561.

Problems on 4.4: Counting and Probability

Exercise 4.4.1. Find 5!

Exercise 4.4.2.

Suppose in the World Cup Soccer tournament, group A has eight teams. Now each team of group A has to play with all the other teams in the group. Find how many games will be played among the Group A teams.

Exercise 4.4.3. How many ways you can deal a hand of 13 cards from a deck of 52 cards?

Exercise 4.4.4. How many ways you can deal a hand of 4 Spades, 3 Hearts, 3 Diamonds, and 3 Clubs?

Exercise 4.4.5. We have 13 students in a class. How many ways we can assign the four seats in the first row? Solution

Exercise 4.4.6. Programming languages sometimes use hexadecimal system (also called "hex") of numbers. In this system 16 digits are used and denoted by 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. Suppose you form a 6-digit number in hexadecimal system.

  1. What is the probability that the number will start with a letter-digit?
  2. What is the probability that the number is divisible by 16 (i.e., ends with 0)?

Here the sample space is the collection of all the 6-digit hex numbers.

  • Using the counting principle, the number of hex = n(S) = 166.
  • Let E be the event that the number starts with a letter digit.
  • Again, by the counting principle, the number of hex in E = n(E) = 6*165.
  • So, P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 6/16.
  • Let F be the event that the number is divisible by 16. Since a number is divisible by 16 means, in hex, the first digit is 0.
  • So, the number of hex in F = n(F) = 165*1 = 165.
  • So, P(F) = 165/166 = 1/16.

Exercise 4.4.7. You are playing bridge, and you are dealt a hand of 13 cards.

  1. What is the probability that you will get a hand of 4 Spades, 3 Hearts, 3 Diamonds, and 3 Clubs?
  2. Also what is the probability that you will get all the four Aces?
  3. What is the probability that you will get all 13 Spades?
    Solution Solution

Exercise 4.4.8. A committee of 9 is selected at random from a group of 11 students, 17 mothers, and 13 fathers.

  1. What is the probability that all the members of the committee are students (i.e., a committee without any experience)?
  2. What is the probability that the committee has 3 students, 3 mothers, and 3 fathers (i.e., a balanced committee)?

Exercise 4.4.9. Three scholarships of unequal values will have to be awarded to a group of 35 applicants. How many was such a selection can be made? Solution

4.5 The Complement of an EventGo to top of page

Sometimes it is easier to find the probability that an event E does not occur. Then we can use this to compute the probability that E occurs.

  1. Definition: Suppose S is the sample space, and E is an event. Then (not E) will denote the event that E does not occur. (not E) is also called the complement of E or the opposite event of E.
  2. Formula: We have
    P(E) + P(not E) = 1
    P(E) = 1 - P(not E).

    Example 4.5.1. Suppose we roll a die three times. What is the probability that the face 6 will show up at least once?

    The Solution
    1. Let E be the event that the face 6 will show up at least once.
    2. We have seen that the sample space S has 63 outcomes.
    3. We need to compute the number n(E) of outcomes in E. But it will be easier to count the number of outcomes in (not E).
    4. (not E) is the event that the face 6 never showed up in the three rolls. This can be achieved in the following three stages:

      Stage The job Number of ways
      1 Roll 1- 5 in 1st throw 5
      2 Roll 1- 5 in 2nd throw 5
      3 Roll 1- 5 in 3rd throw 5

    5. The number of outcomes in (not E) = n(not E) = 53= 125.
    6. The probability P(not E) = n(not E)/n(S) = 125/216.
    7. P(E) = 1 - P(not E) = 1 - 125/216 = 91/216.

    Example 4.5.2. Suppose we roll a die seven times. What is the probability that an even-number face will show up at least once?

    The Solution
    1. The experiment of rolling a die seven times can be performed in "7 stages."
    2. By the multiplication rule the sample space S has n(S) = N = 67 outcomes.
    3. Just remember that the opposite of "at least once" is "never."
    4. Let us denote by E the event that an even-number face will show up at least once.
    5. (not E) is the event that an even-number face never shows up.
    6. An outcome in (not E) can be accomplished in the following seven stages:

      Stage The job Number of ways
      1 Roll 1,3,5 in 1st roll 3
      2 Roll 1,3,5 in 2nd roll 3
      3 Roll 1,3,5 in 3rd roll 3
      4 Roll 1,3,5 in 4th roll 3
      5 Roll 1,3,5 in 5th roll 3
      6 Roll 1,3,5 in 6th roll 3
      7 Roll 1,3,5 in 7th roll 3
    7. The number of outcomes in (not E) = n(not E) = 37.
    8. The probability P(not E) = n(not E)/n(S) = 37/67.
    9. P(E) = 1 - P(not E) = 1 -37/67.

Problems on 4.5: The Complement of an Event

Exercise 4.5.1. A person owns two stocks. The probability of the event that at least one stock will go up in price on a particular day is P(E) = 0.9. What is the probability that none will go up in price on a particular day? Answer: P(not E) = 1 - 0.9 = .01.

4.6 Independent EventsGo to top of page

Sometimes it is understandable that two events E and F do not influence the occurrence of each other. For example, if you roll a die twice and E is the event that the first roll will show an odd-number face and F is the event that the second roll will show 1 or 2, then it is reasonable to assume that the occurrence of E will not influence the occurrence of F. (Describe E and F in brace notation.)

  1. Definition: We say that the two events E and F are mutually independent if the occurrence of one does not influence the occurrence of the other.
  2. The Multiplication Principle of Independence: Suppose E and F are two independent events. Then the probability that both E and F occur is the product P(E)P(F).
  3. If E and F are independent, then
    P(E and F) = P(E)P(F).

Now we are going to use this multiplication principle to compute some probabilities.

Example 4.6.1. Suppose you are dealt a hand of five cards out of a shuffled deck of twenty high-cards. (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 are the high-cards.)

  1. What is the probability that you will receive all four aces?
  2. Suppose you are dealt such a hand of five cards twice. What is the probability that you will receive all the four aces in both the deals?
The Solution
  1. Here the random experiment is to deal a hand of five cards out of twenty high-cards. The sample space is the set of all possible combinations of twenty cards taken five at a time.
  2. The total number of outcomes in S is =
    N = n(S) = 20C5 =20P5/5!= (20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16)/(1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5) = 15504.
  3. Now let E be the event that a hand of five cards has all four aces. Such a hand could be dealt in two stages:

    Stage The job Number of ways
    1 Pick the 4 aces from 4 4C4 = 1
    2 Pick 1 more card from the remaining 16 16C1 = 16

  4. By multiplication principle, the number of outcomes in E = n(E) = 1 x 16 = 16.
  5. P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 16/15504.

Now we proceed to solve the second part:
  1. Now our experiment is to deal a hand of five cards out of twenty cards twice.
  2. Let W be the event that we get all four aces twice.
  3. Let E1 be the event that we get all four aces in the first deal and E2 be the event that we get all four aces in the second deal.
  4. W = (E1and E2).
  5. From the first part, we have
    1. P(E1) = 16/15504.
    2. P(E2) = 16/15504.
  6. Also E1 and E2 are mutually independent.
  7. By the multiplication rule of independent events, we have P(W) = P(E1)P(E2) = (16/15504)2.

Example 4.6.2. Suppose you roll four fair dice.

  1. What is the probability that the face 3 will never appear?
  2. What is the probability that at least one die will show the face 3?
The Solution
  1. Here the sample space S has N = n(S) = 64 outcomes.
  2. Let E be the event that the face 3 will never appear.
  3. E is the event that none of the four dice will show the face 3.
  4. Suppose F1 is the event that the first die will not show the face 3.
  5. Suppose F2 is the event that the second die will not show the face 3.
  6. Suppose F3 is the event that the third die will not show the face 3.
  7. Suppose F4 is the event that the fourth die will not show the face 3.
  8. It is reasonable to assume that F1, F2, F3, and F4 are mutually independent.
  9. Also, E = (F1 and F2 and F3 and F4).
  10. We also have

    P(F1) = P(F2) = P(F3) = P(F4 ) = 5/6.

  11. P(E) = P(F1) x P(F2) x P(F3) x P(F4 ) = (5/6)4.
    The probability that the face 3 will never appear is (5/6)4.
Now we solve (b):
  1. Let F be the event that face 3 will show up at least once.
  2. Because the opposite of "at least once" is "never," we have F = (not E).
  3. So, P(F) = 1 - P(E) = 1 - (5/6)4.

Problems on 4.6: Independent Events

Exercise 4.6.1. Two university employees (Mr. Park and Mr. Jones) issue tickets to illegally parked cars. Probability of the event E that Mr. Jones will notice an illegally parked car is P(E)= 0.1, and the probability of the event F that Mr. Park will notice an illegally parked car is P(F) = 0.3.

  1. What is the probability P(not E) that Mr. Jones will miss an illegally parked car?
    Answer: P(not E) = 1 - P(E) = 1- 0.1 = 0.9.
  2. What is the probability P(not F) that Mr. Park will miss an illegally parked car?
    Answer: P(not F) = 1 - P(F) = 1- 0.3 = 0.7.
  3. Assuming independence, what is the probability that both will miss an illegally parked car?
    Answer: P((not E) and (not F)) = P(not E)*P(not F) = 0.9*0.7 = 0.63.
  4. What is the probability that at least one of them will notice an illegally parked car?
    Answer: P(at least one will notice) = 1 - P(Both will miss) = 1-.63.

Exercise 4.6.2. Suppose the two engines of a airplane function independently. Probability that the first engine fails in a flight is .01, and the probability that the second engine fails in a flight is .02.

  1. What is the probability that both will fail in a flight?
  2. What are the odds in favor of both engines failing in a flight?

Exercise 4.6.3. The probability that you will receive a wrong number call this week is 0.3, and the probability that you will receive a sales call this week is 0.8, and the probability that you will receive a survey call this week is 0.5. What is the probability that you will receive one of each this week? (Assume independence.)

Exercise 4.6.4. The probability, of the event E, that a student will major in either liberal arts or in business is P(E)= .69. Find the probability that the student will major neither in liberal arts nor in business.
Answer: P(not E) = 1 - P(E) = 1 - .69 = 31.

4.7 Odds for and againstGo to top of page

In many situations the probability of an event E is described as "odds" in favor or against. This language is often used in gambling, horse races, and sports.

  1. Definition. Suppose E is an event. We say that the odds in favor of E is "m to n" to mean that
    P(E) = m/(m + n).

    If P(E) = a/b then the odds in favor of E is "a to b-a."

  2. Definition. We say that the odds against the event E is "n to m," if the odds in favor of E is "m to n." Odds against E is "n to m" if
    P(not E) = m/(m + n).

Example 4.7.1. Suppose you roll a die twice.

  1. What is the probability of the event E that at least one of the two rolls will show 4?
  2. What are the odds in favor of the event E?

The Solution
  1. First we compute P(not E).
  2. But (not E) is the event that the face 4 did not show up in these two rolls.
  3. Let F1 be the event that face 4 did not show up in the first roll.
  4. Let F2 be the event that face 4 did not show up in the second roll.
  5. To compute P(F1) we just have to look at the first roll. P(F1) =
    (# of outcomes in first roll that is not 4)/(# of outcomes in the first roll) = 5/6.
  6. Similarly, P(F2) = 5/6.
  7. Also (not E) = (F1 and F2).
  8. P(not E) = P(F1 and F2) = P(F1) P(F2) = (5/6)(5/6) = 25/36.
  9. P(E) = 1 - P(not E) = 1 -25/36 = 11/36.
  10. P(E) = 11/36.
  11. We have odds in favor of E is 11 to (36-11). The odds in favor of the event E is 11 to 25.

Example 4.7.2. Suppose we have a game where we roll two dice. We win if the sum of the "face values" is less or equal to five; otherwise we lose.

  1. Find the probability of winning. Also what is the odds in favor of winning?
  2. If we roll the dice twice (i.e., we play twice), what is the probability that we win in both the rolls?
  3. If we roll the dice twice (i.e., we play twice), what is the probability that we lose in both the rolls?

The Solution
  1. Here the experiment is to roll two dice. The sample space has N = n(S) = 36 outcomes.
  2. Let E be the event that you win.
  3. Then E= {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,1), (3,2), (4,1)}.
  4. E has n(E) = 10 outcomes in it.
  5. P(E)= n(E)/n(S) = 10/36.
  6. The odds in favor of winning are 10 to 26 (= 36-10).

Probability of winning twice:
  1. Let E1 be the event that you win in the first time and E2 be the event that you win in the second time.
  2. Let W be the event that you win both the rolls.
  3. Then W = (E1 and E2).
  4. And P(W) = P(E1 and E2) = P(E1) P(E2) = (10/36)(10/36) = 100/1296.
  5. Probablility of losing twice:
    1. Let L1 be the event that you lose the first time and L2 be the event that you lose the second time.
    2. Let L be the event that you lose both the rolls.
    3. Then L = (L1 and L2).
    4. And P(L) = P(L1 and L2) = P(L1) P(L2).
    5. We also have P(L1) = 1 - P(E1) = 1 -10/36 = 26/36.
    6. And similarly P(L2) = 26/36.
    7. P(L) = P(L1) P(L2) = (26/36)(26/36).

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