Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
Office: 502 Snow Hall
Phone: DNC

Satya Mandal

Links and Resources


  1. Selected Publications
  2. Recent Talks
  3. Cries and Whispers
    in Math World Humor


  1. Topics in Mathematics (Math 105)
  2. Lecture Notes
  3. Discrete Mathematics (Math 106)
  4. Lecture Notes
  5. Elementary Diff. Equations (Math 220)
  6. Lecture Notes
  7. Homework Problems
  8. Solutions
  9. Linear Algebra (Math 290)
  10. Lecture Notes
  11. Homework Problems
  12. Solutions
  13. MATLAB Solutions
  14. Elementary Statistics (Math 365)
  15. Lecture Notes
  16. Homework Problems
  17. Solutions
  18. Flash Animations

On Teaching

Greatly infatuated and interested in Information Technology and its application in classrooms.
  1. A TEACHING Portfolio
  2. Online Course Manager

Some Pictures

Akhane: Dekho

List of Courses

  • Math 105: Topics in Mathematics (Su 18, Su 16, Sp 12)
  • Math 106: Discrete Mathematics (Sp 99)
  • Math 116: Calculus II (Sp 07)
  • Math 220: Elementary Differential Equations (Sp 23, Sp 22, Su 21, F 19, Sp 18, Su 16, Sp 16, Sp 14)
  • Math 221: Elementary Differential Equations (Hons) (Sp 20)
  • Math 290: Linear Algebra (F 24, S 24, F 20, Su 19, Sp19, F18, Su 18, Sp 18, Sp 16, Sp 09)
  • Math 291: Linear Algebra (Hons) (Sp 21)
  • Math 320: Differential Equations
  • Math 365: Elementary Statistics (S 23, F 22, Sp 22, Sp 21, Sp 20, Sp 19, F 16, F 13)
  • Math 790: Linear Algebra II (F 05)
  • Math 791: Modern Algebra I (F 15)
  • Math 996: K-theory and Projective Modules (Sp 05)
  • Math 996: Quadratic Forms (F 13)
  • Math 996: Quillen K-Theorey and Beyond (F 17)
  • Graduate Advising

  • What would it take to get a PhD with Satya?: Read at least one of the two books I wrote. Well, may be part of one!

    Academic Interest

    I do Algebra without Apology! I specialize in projective modules, and more recently in K-theory, GW-Theory.


    1. Algebraic K-TheoryWorld Scientific
    2. Projective Modules and Complete Intersections

    Teaching Philosophy and Techniques

    Enjoy teaching at graduate and undergraduate level. At undergraduate level, teaching techniques rely greatly on use of online resources.

    Teaching philosophy has an emphasis on making instructional material available online. Mission is to use the media to bring college education to the mass.


  • © Copy 2003
    My Students have the permission to copy.